Hi, I'm Paul.
I like to build cool things. I'm interested in software for embedded systems, linux, and the occasional hardware project. I am happiest when my work touches a wide breadth of topics, but have no problem digging deep. Hobbies include swimming, eating, music and taking pictures of things.
Personal Projects
Mesh Network Localization - A Mesh network that is location aware. Under Development.
Ugolino - An Arduino compatible board with two extra AVRs and shared memory for parallel processing.
Auto Drink Admin - A kiosk for converting USD into Drink credits.
bladeWriter - A tool that 'writes' text on the waterfall of an FFT with using a bladeRF and libbladeRF, written in C.
influxDBc - A pure C library for writing to an influxDB instance. Uses libCurl.
ESP8266 wifi module - PCB for a wifi based dev-board with OTA updates.
Electro etch module - PCB to electro-etch metal for fun.
Drones - various autonomous and RC drones with FPV.
The best way to get in touch is through email: paul@[thisdomain]